Americans and decent people worldwide were shocked to see the students and faculty of some of the nation's most iconic universities effectively shut down by crazed demonstrations calling for the annihilation of the State of Israel and the mass killing of Jews across the globe. Suddenly, at these esteemed institutions, free speech became sacrosanct even if it was to threaten an ethic/religious minority and support terrorists who have engaged in rape, torture, mutilation, and murder. Only a few months ago, these same students and institutions were persecuting people for using the wrong personal pronouns and suggesting men and woman were different and the only two genders. Far right types, who once railed against the far left joined with their unhinged brothers and sisters in defending the free speech rights of those calling for Holocaust II. The lowest humans on Earth always seem to take their frustrations out on the Jews. History does not change and never will.
How did these people go from such overly sensitive effete cry-bullies to blood thirsty and depraved savages that are barely recognizable as human beings? It is almost as if they have been possessed by demonic forces. Bizarrely, these same bestial barbarians demand there student loans be forgiven.
This should surprise no one. Throughout history, relatively civilized men have been seduced into unspeakable depravity after periods of economic hardship by nefarious ideas that promised revenge and a higher place in the social hierarchy. These dark ideas justify the sadistic bloodlust that lies deep inside all too many of us. High intelligence and education are not antidote to this killing of the mind. The Germans who became leaders of the Nazi Party before World War II were highly educated. Those who led the Russian and French Revolutions were intellectuals whose sadism will be discussed by social scientists and historians for many generations.
However, one thing we need to understand is that the young people currently in universities today are very different from those, in aggregate terms, who attended school in the 1970’s and before. They have significantly lower IQ's, more likely to suffer from mental problems, and engaged in far more substance abuse. The males ( I hesitate to use the term men) have significantly less testosterone than their fathers and grandfathers. The females are far more promiscuous and less likely to be able to sustain permanent relationships than their mothers and grandmothers and are having less children.
In the late 1970’s, when I was in university about 15% of people had universities degrees. Now that figure is around 40%. I have looked at numerous sources. The figures are all a bit different but in the same ballpark. All the sources I found have the percent of people with degrees somewhere around twice to three times the amount as during the period when Baby Boomers were in college.
Certainly, standards have gone down. I remember getting my acceptance letter from McGill University in 1976. It was a huge thing for me and my family. I slaved to maintain high grades in the midst of fierce competition. Now, any young person that is not cognitively disabled can get into university. Add to that the fact that average societal I.Q. in the West has been declining by a little over one I.Q. point per decade and we are left with the fact that college students are dramatically less intelligent than they once were. Only in the last ten years or so did I notice that young adults were less knowledgeable and verbally articulate then older people with similar educational levels. English majors had poor verbal and writing skills. History majors who thought Alexander the Great was a souvlaki chain. Furthermore, when I explained simple concepts that needed to be explained in mathematical terms, young adults eyes would glaze over hearing concepts that older people understood easily.
College faculty members have also been dumbed down as IQ has declined and standards have crashed. Also, as the economy grew over the post war period, salaries for executives and professionals grew attracting bright people who might previously have gone to academia. Here is an interesting observation. A drop of only five points in average societal IQ translates into a reduction of people with IQs of 120 or over from 9% of the population to less than 5%. We have far less potential first class professors. To make matters worse, academia over the decades has been infested with radical cultural Marxists who have infested our less intelligent and more troubled youth with toxic ideas.
Less intelligent people are more likely to engage in violence. We know that from studying criminals in prison. Is it any wonder looking at all these undeniable facts that college students have been infested with this mass psychosis to the point they support some of the most depraved killers in human history? This movement they support, after taking power would enslave, torture and murder them if they did not submit to Islam. They should know this from studying history, especially since they are highly educated.
This new generation is lost but we can easily curtail their damage if we have the will to do so and ensure that new students are not infected with this maladaptive mind virus. First, actually enforce sedition and civil rights laws. Arrest the demonstrators and limit bail since they will undoubtedly return, upon release, to terrorize other students and citizens. Give the leaders lengthy prison sentences. This may seem extreme but allowing this to continue will result in dire and deadly consequences. If Lenin, Hitler. Mao and their allies would have rotted into old age doing hard time in prisons, millions of lives would have been saved. Sentence the other demonstrators to a couple of years to straighten them out. Those that were not born in the US should be expelled after their sentences. The others will have to live with criminal records.
Reduce the amount of university admissions back down to 15% to 20% per capita. Society simply does not need all those radicalized sociology majors and they don't need the debt. Of course, there should be less, if any, cuts in STEM and business. Fire most of the professors and ensure that the remaining teachers are not radicalizing our young. Charge those who took part in the shut down of colleges. These people are dangerous and society must be protected from them.
No historic struggle was won easily. We must be resolute and determined. This will mean doing some things we might feel are unpleasant to some very damaged and evil people. We have no choice for the sake of future generations. The time to debate is over, just as the political debate ended when the Nazis and Soviets invaded Poland in 1939. You cannot change the mind of a brainwashed maniac anymore than you can train a dog with rabies. Time to put the mad dogs down.